About Me - The Unnamed Poet

       Hello to all my readers! As a new blogger I just wanted to thank you right off the bat for opening my post and helping my blog grow! So Thank You!

      Since this is my first post let me introduce myself, I am The Unnamed Poet and it’s exactly how it sounds. I remain unnamed to protect my identity, unfaced to stop stereotypes and labels coming my way, and I remain unidentified for fear of what the world will think of me. Alas, I refuse to let my fear control me! I wanted to find a way to share my writings with the world and give a voice to those who feel voiceless.

So here I am! In poetry form!

     I explore the idea of living for something more, more adventures, more happiness, more laughs, more thrills, more love, more something! I’m all about find that something more and that’s what my upcoming book is about.

      I call that “something more” Beatific. It’s a collection of poetry revealing my story of how I found my something more – and it wasn’t always a pleasant one.

      My book is soon to be released later this year and I’m so excited for it! But I didn’t want to stop there. I don’t want to just be an author of my story; I want to help others gain the tools they need to discover their story.

       Once I realized how liberating it is to live a story you create, I realized that this is how life should be for everyone. So, I created this blog, theunnamedpoetblog.com, to share everything I know about Happiness & Wellness, Blogging, and Finances!

     I know it sounds like a weird combo, especially since I’m writing a poetry book, but I want to use my book (and all future books for that matter) to give a voice to those who feel voiceless and use my blog to help those people to find their own voice. I want people to a life worth living, because that’s what living should be.

I hope you enjoy the reads!  Subscribe to the blog and follow me on Instagram to support a rising poet for the poetry and the poetry alone.

Kind Regards,

The Unnamed Poet