And How It Effects Marketing!

            I’m going to explain why such big companies design their website the way they do – because I can assure you right now, it’s not by accident! Have you ever noticed successful company’s always have a color scheme they use throughout their brand? Colors make your sub-conscious react a certain way, and if used correctly can be used to the advantage of a company.

          Look at Forever 21 for example, you see yellow everywhere throughout their brand. Yellow represents happiness, joy, and optimism; makes sense huh? Forever21 wants their customers to feel this emotion when shopping their clothing.

            When it comes to color design, you have to be very precise because it plays a BIG role on sub-conscious marketing. Which you should use to your advantage as content creators or business personnel! Understanding colors will help your marketing and website look clean and profession; something you should care about it you want people to take your seriously. If you’re not familiar with sub-conscious marketing, here’s a brief explanation:

“Neuroscientists found that often times decisions are made in your subconscious mind far before you are consciously aware of the decision being made. So sub-conscious marketing is marketing that has been built strategically to trigger the decision-making done in the sub-conscious mind without you realizing it.”  Cited

         Sub-conscious marketing is made up of a lot of different aspects, in this blog post we are focusing on colors.

          Let’s get to it! Here’s a cheat sheet that shows you what each color represents to the sub-conscious mind.

Color Psychology Meaning Chart

       So what about cultural differences? Do they matter? YES! Different cultures will use different colors to represent the same thing. Here are some examples:

          Keep in mind that while color representation stands true, there’s not an exact science to it due to the cultural aspect. People see things different with different perspectives, as you can see in the graphic above.

           While it’s important to understand what the different colors represent, it also depends on how you use it. Use the graphics as a guide rather than a rule book. Remember, sub-conscious marketing is a package deal; if you change one thing, it’s going to have an affect something else as a result.


Reality is lived inside the mind and so I am lost inside a world that does not yet exist outside the fortress of my mind.

-The Unnamed Poet

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